ATI Radeon VE 32MB

by Matthew Witheiler on February 19, 2001 3:09 AM EST

Quake III Arena Performance

Already, at 640x480x32, we see how the limited the Radeon VE's core makes it. When compared to its full featured brother, the Radeon SDR, we find that the Radeon VE performs 32% slower. With its single rendering pipeline and lack of T&L, the Radeon VE performs more like a Voodoo4 4500 than it does the GeForce2 MX. The card, however, easily dominates the Matrox G450 by 80%, making the Radeon VE look much more attractive when it comes to dual monitor support.

Once again, we find the Radeon VE performing on the same level as the Voodoo4 4500, about 36% slower than the GeForce2 MX. The Radeon SDR, which was able to reach the top of the graph at this resolution, shows how much of a hit the decrease in the Radeon VE's core resulted in. Still, the Radeon VE is able to outperform the Matrox G450 by 91%.

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1600x1200x32 is a resolution that most with budget video cards should stay away from. This is no exception for the Radeon VE, which once again comes very close in performance to the Voodoo4 4500.

The Test MDK2 Performance
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