Final Words


It's been proven that the V770 Ultra isn't the overclocking monster everyone expected it to be, limited by a maximum of around 170 - 180MHz core and with a default clock of 150/183, there is no guarantee that your board will even work at 155/183, much less 175/200 as AnandTech's sample turned out to be relatively stable at.  If you're a hard core gamer, and only care about performance, then the Hercules Dynamite TNT2 Ultra is still probably your best bet. 

What if you're not all that interested in overclocking?  What if you're looking for a decent TNT2 Ultra board that gives you the features you want?  In that case, the Viper V770 Ultra is definitely a viable option.  It is probably what will turn out to be the best overall, normally clocked TNT2 Ultra card.  The ease of use and installation of the V770 Ultra is top notch, it's obvious that Diamond put a lot of effort into making their InControl Tools 99 drivers the best they could be, and it would take quite a bit to make them any better.  Kudos to Diamond on making a good card, but they take a back seat to Hercules as the overclocker's choice.

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  • brendamiller - Thursday, January 23, 2020 - link

    The Viper V770 Ultra was first of its kind that was introduced several years ago and it set a new trend in their field. I trust only on source to read reviews of different online writing service providers. I have also used these NVIDIA's manufactured cards because they were providing great quality.
  • ozzuneoj86 - Tuesday, January 12, 2021 - link

    Posting here at a review of Nvidia's first "Ultra" card, in January of 2021, wondering if rumors of nvidia releasing a GTX 3060 Ultra are true. Hard to even fathom the performance difference between what was considered "Ultra" in 1999 and what is considered "Ultra" in 2021.

    Nearly 1000x the Texel fillrate, 200x the memory bandwidth... and we won't even talk about trying to measure FLOPs on a graphics card in 1999.

    And this rumored "Ultra" is a mid range model.


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